

Adrien Colin, 2019

This proposal focuses on ceramic creative processes, materials-based research and, in particular, emerging practices.

We encourage all contributions that explore the ways in which traditional skills and methods fuel innovation by adapting to new technologies and manufacturing processes. This

the registration documents and photographic materials submitted shall be retained by the Museum and the International Academy of Ceramics for the use of the work, free of charge and solely within the scope required for the exhibition and relevant activities.
It would of course have been wonderful to have been able to collectively visit this exhibition on site in Rovaniemi. It is unfortunate and with much regret that the ongoing pandemic prevented us fromdoing so.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to curator Frédéric Bodet, the IAC office team, Designers Unit and all selected
  • Frédéric Bodet

  • Graphic design
  • Designers Unit

  • Development
  • Yann Gutter
  • Translation
  • IAC Office

  • Coordination
  • Jacques Kauffman
  • Charlyne Kolly
  • Karolina Johansson

  • Signals for the future
    Contextual Thought / Post-modern Attitude
    Example through Experimentation / Build, Destroy, Rebuild
    Social and political reality
    Concerned Identities
    Dramaturgy of Danger
    Security versus Insecurity / Re-reading History
    Locality and materiality
    Environmental Concerns / The Choice of Long Time
    Reconnect with the Local Context / Dealing with Imminent Disaster
    Know-how and well-being
    Spiritual Tension
    Rhizomic Thought / Expansiveness / Interactivity
    Sensory Tension / Letting Go
    Observing Matter / In Search of Surprise