“Remain Upright”: this exhortation to stand upright, dignified and combative in the face of adversity encountered over the course of a human lifetime, could very well summarize the mindset flowing through this exhibition. An
exhibition composed of 41 artist proposals selected from an open call by the IAC, to which 143 of its international artist members responded, on the occasion of its 49th Congress in Rovaniemi, Finland. These 41 proposals aesthetically
describe and comment on the sorry state of a world where the horizontal alignment of all for all, operating generally at the bottom, to the rhythm of rapid economic and cultural globalization with appalling consequences (limitless
liberalism, over-consumption, mental conditioning, dramatic climate change), leaves a large part of humanity destitute, weakened, by the wayside... suffice to say “On the Edge”, the unifying theme of the debates which animate
the conferences of this Congress. How can one comfortably live and create at the heart of this devastating state of the world? “Remain Upright” resonates like a slogan that can be heard collectively (from loudspeakers, demonstrations,
with the corresponding political commitment…). However, it can just as easily be experienced and formulated at an individual level, from inside, like a mantra that one might whisper to oneself in order to confront, subsist, find the
courage to move forward and - why not - progress further in one's creative practice and in life. Yet, from these unanimously worrying observations emanates a lot of hope, conviction, and strength, united by a material of choice, clay,
from which artists today draw inspiration and reasoning to live better lives. For them, the earth is more than ever the material of an eternal return to the fundamentals of what it is to be human: simultaneously a source of realism
and utopia, of local rooting (doing things by oneself with the materials at hand), and imaginary prospecting (collectively contributing to a better world based on values of solidarity; an artistic “actionism”, in a way). They prove
it to us through a veritable wealth of creative proposals, which share a sense of responsibility and a remarkable desire for resistance and vigilance.